Sunday, March 25, 2012

Be the Consequent

I wrote some stuff down during church today after hearing Gary Darnell preach on 1 Corinthians 15:12-19. I put some things into terms that make sense to me. Here it is, unamended.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the Great Antecedent. If it is true, then the consequent is the most fulfilling life that a human being can live -- a life lived for the sake of something above and beyond anything innately human. If it is true, then it is fallacious to deny that fact. If it is not true, then every bit of this life lived for the sake of His name is utterly foolish and nothing better than everything else that is merely human. Everything hinges on this ironic point -- the resurrection of Christ is everything or nothing.

The resurrection of Christ is the Great Antecedent.
Let my life be consequence of that fact.

Be the consequent.