Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Amusing... Truth and Objectivity

A moment of clarity while trying to fall asleep. No idea what prompted these thoughts, but I don't have my notebook on me, so why not throw them down here for the time being.

A proposition is subjectively true when it is the personal concepts of the speaker which generates the meaning of the terms in question.
A proposition is objectively true when the meaning of the terms in question are rooted in the external world.
As personal concepts are almost always generated from experience in the external world, subjectivity of truth is generated from objectivity.
And yet, as a proposition is expressed utilizing the speaker's language, representative of idiosyncratic concepts, truth maintains a subjective quality.
Ergo, truth is neither purely subjective, nor purely objective. For while the subject does not make a proposition true of its own volition, a subject is needed to recognize truth in the objective world.

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